
Suomen Iranin-suurlähettiläs: Mielenosoitusten luonne muuttunut

Suomen Iranin-suurlähettiläs: Mielenosoitusten luonne muuttunut

julkaistu tänään klo 17:12, päivitetty tänään klo 17:27
Mielenosoittajat hyökkäämässä poliisiautoa vastaan

Amatöörikuvaajan videossa näkyy, miten vihaiset mielenosoittajat hyökkäävät poliisiauton kimppuun Teheranissa 27. joulukuuta.

Kuva: Reuters-TV

Suomen Teheranin-suurlähettiläs Harri Salmi arvioi, että Iranin väkivaltaisemmiksi muuttuneiden mielenosoitusten tavoitteet ja luonne ovat muuttuneet. Salmi kuvaa ilmapiiriä maassa jännittyneeksi ja odottavaksi.

Salmi kertoo, että viimeksi kuluneen viikon aikana jännitys on selvästi leimahtunut mielenosoituksiksi, jotka ovat levinneet eri puolille pääkaupunkia Teherania.

- Ihmiset eivät tiedä, mitä tulee tapahtumaan, Salmi sanoo.

Mielenosoitusten jatkumisen syyt

Mielenosoitukset levisivät viikonlopun aikana myös useisiin muihin kaupunkeihin eri puolille maata. Salmi kertoo, että mielenosoitukset saivat uutta pontta vaikutusvaltaisen ja arvostetun suurajatollahin Hossein Ali Montazerin hautajaisista.

- Viranomaiset kielsivät kaikki Montazerin muistotilaisuudet, mutta ihmiset halusivat osoittaa mieltä hänen puolestaan vanhoillisten uskonoppineiden johtamaa hallitusta vastaan. Montazeri oli hallituksen kovasanainen arvostelija ja nautti suurta arvostusta kansan ja uudistusmielisten voimien keskuudessa, Salmi muistuttaa.

Hossein Ali Montazerista piti aikanaan tulla Iranin islamilaisen tasavallan perustajan, ajatolla Ruhollah Khomeinin seuraaja. Hänet kuitenkin syrjäytettiin, ja Khomeinin kuoltua vuonna 1989 Iranin korkeimman vallan haltijaksi nousi maan nykyinen johtaja, ajatollah Ali Khamenei.

- Kun virallinen Iran halusi hiljentää Montazerin muiston, se herätti kansassa myötätuntoa suurajatollahia kohtaan ja vahvisti mielialoja hallitusta vastaan. Tämä asetelma on nyt kiihtynyt väkivallan kierteeksi hallituksen ja opposition välillä, Salmi sanoo.

Mielenosoitusten luonne muuttunut

Alun perin oppositio vaati vilpilliseksi väitetyn presidentinvaalin tuloksen kumoamista. Virallisen vaalituloksen mukaan Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voitti kesäkuun äänestyksessä ylivoimaisesti haastajansa Mir-Hosein Musavin. Mielenosoitukset alkoivat ja Musavi nousi oppositioliikkeen johtoon.

Suurlähettiläs Harri Salmi arvioi, että mielenosoitusten luonne ja tavoitteet ovat viime viikkoina muuttuneet.

- Aivan selvästi mielenosoituksissa huudettujen iskulauseiden kärki on enemään ja enemmän kohdistunut hallituksen johtoon ja samalla myös koko islamilaisen tasavallan perustana olevaa järjestelmää vastaan, Salmi sanoo. Mielenosoittajien tavoite on hänen mukaansa "enemmän vapautta ja demokratiaa" Iraniin.

Maanantaina tiedot Teheranista kertoivat, että useiden oppositiojohtajien kuten entisen presidentin Mohammed Khatamin ja Mir-Hosein Musavin läheisiä avustajia sekä entinen ulkoministeri Ibrahim Yazdi oli pidätetty.

Suurlähettiläs Salmi muistuttaa, että opposition jäsenten pidätykset ja liberaalien lehtien sulkemiset ovat olleet käytössä pitkin syksyä.

- Nyt pidätykset näyttävät lähestyvän itse oppositiojohtajia. Teheranissa kysytäänkin, milloin on heidän vuoronsa tulla pidätetyiksi ja joutua syytetyiksi, uskalletaanko näin tehdä ja mitkä olisivat seuraukset, kertoo Salmi.

YLE Uutiset

NÄKÖKULMA: Kauanko Iran kestää mellakoita?

Kun kesällä YLEn kuvaajan kanssa näimme miten Teheranin kadut yhdessä päivässä muuttuivat veriseksi taistelutantereeksi, uskoimme etteivät mellakat kestä kuin muutaman päivän - voitti kumpi osapuoli tahansa. Olimme väärässä.

Mellakat ovat jatkuneet Iranissa yli puoli vuotta. Poliisit ja vapaaehtoiset moottoripyörillä liikkuvat Basij-turvallisuusjoukot ampuvat mielenosoittajia, mutta se ei vieläkään ole saanut uudistusmielisiä rauhoittumaan.

Maanantaiaamuna 28.12. pidätettiin mm. viime kesän vaalit hävinneen presidenttiehdokkaan kampanjapäällikkö. Alireza Beheshti. Tapasimme hänet kesällä vaalien aikaan Teheranissa. Tuolloin hän vielä vakaasti uskoi demokratian voittoon.

Iranin johto - presidentti Mahmud Ahmadinejadin hallinto ja korkeinta valtaa käyttävä uskonnollinen johto - pysyvät kovana. Uudistusmielisten vaatimuksiin laajemmista vapauksista tai kesäkuun vaalien uusimisesta vastataan voimatoimin.

Puhuin aamupäivällä puhelimessa erään teheranilaisen uudistusmielisen kanssa. Aiemmin reipas ja jopa fanaattinen Iranin hallinnon vastustaja vaikutti nyt vain väsyneeltä ja huokaisi, että "Iran ei nyt tarvitsisi tätä kaikkea väkivaltaa".

Poikkeuksellista näissä mielenosoituksissa on myös se, että monet mielenosoittajat vaativat avoimesti Iranin uskonnolisen johtajan häätämistä vallasta. Se on poikkeuksellista maassa, jossa koko monimutkainen valtajärjestelmä rakentuu sen varaan, että uskonnollisen johdon mielipiteitä ei kyseenalaisteta.

Mutta uskonnollinen johtaja Ali Khamenei asettui mielenosoitusten alusta saakka hallinnon puolelle ja menetti samalla uskottavuutensa mielenosoittajien silmissä. Siinä mielessä mellakoissa on kyse koko Iranin vuonna 1979 perustetun islamilaisen valtion tulevaisuudesta.

Kysymys kuuluukin, kauanko verinen mellakointi voi jatkua, ennen kuin jompi kumpi puoli luovuttaa? Ja mitä sen jälkeen tapahtuu Iranissa? Ja sitä kautta Lähi-idässä?

Iran on ollut viime vuodet otsikoissa sen epäillyn ydinaseohjelman takia. Jo vuosia Iranin on epäilty salassa valmistelevan jos ei ydinasetta, niin ainakin valmiutta ydinaseen valmistukseen. Iranin mukaan se havittelee vain ydinenergiaa.

Mellakoissa ei ole kyse Iranin ydinohjelmasta, se jatkunee joka tapauksessa, tapahtuipa mellakoiden jälkeen mitä tahansa. Ydinenergiaohjelmalla on Iranissa laaja kannatus, niin hallinnossa kuin mellakoivien uudistusmielistenkin keskuudessa.

Mutta kun katsoo Lähi-idän karttaa, lähes jokaisessa Iranin naapurimaassa on ydinaseita. Ei siis ihme, että Teheranin kaduilla niin konservatiiveissa kuin uudistusmielisissäkin on paljon niitä, joiden mielestä Iran voisi hankkia ydinaseitakin pärjätäkseen Lähi-idän tiukassa aluepolitiikassa.

Ja vaikka Iranin mellakat nyt johtaisivat jonkinlaiseen uudistusmielisten valtaannousuun, ei Iranin ydinohjelma pysähtyisi. Ydinohjelma huomattiin lännessä tämän vuosikymmenen alussa - kun presidenttinä oli uudistusmielinen Khatami.

YLE Uutiset / Jukka Niva

Kirjoittaja on vieraillut Iranissa useita kertoja

A question of integrity

Iran's institutions must investigate allegations of scientific plagiarism as a matter of urgency

Plagiarism scandal grows in Iran

Nature has uncovered further instances of apparent plagiarism in papers co-authored by government ministers and senior officials in Iran. The spate of new examples raises questions about whether such incidents are symptomatic of conditions also common in other developing countries — such as difficulties with English or pressure to acquire academic credentials as a prerequisite for promotion — or whether they are also linked specifically to the Iranian regime, where growth of a merit-based university culture has been undermined by political appointments and purges of reform-minded scientists

Iran's Courageous Women Fight On

Meanwhile, the silence from the free world has been deafening. President Barack Obama, instead of embracing the protesters, has stood by hoping that the Iranian government will
unclench its fist and reach for the olive branch


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postimerkit Hollannissa

Islam gives value to women

Guardian: Iran: The dossier

Iran may have experimented with a relatively sophisticated two-point detonation design for a nuclear warhead is the latest important fragment to emerge from the IAEA's "Possible military dimensions of Iran's nuclear programme" document.

4.11.2009 on world's media



naisten kivittäminen - elokuva

فیلمی از سنگسار زنان در هلسینکی



Dalai Lama

همبستگی دالایی لاما با جنبش سبز ایران

دالایی لاما رهبر مذهبی تبت در کنار نازنین افشین‌جم با شعارهایی در حمایت از مردم ایران

دالایی لاما رهبر معنوی و در تبعید بودائیان تبت که در ۱۹۸۶ جایزه صلح نوبل را از آن خود کرده بود و از مهم‌ترین چهره‌های جهانی حامی صلح به شمار می‌آید، با جنبش سبز ایران ابراز همبستگی کرد.

دالایی لاما که ۲۷ سپتامبر، پنجم مهرماه در کنفرانس صلح در ونکوور کانادا سخنرانی داشت در حاشیه این مراسم با در دست گرفتن تراکت سبز رنگی که بر آن جمله «آزادی برای ایران» نقش بسته بود همبستگی خود را با مردم ایران نشان داد.

نازنین افشین‌جم، فعال حقوق بشر که در این زمان در کنار دالایی لاما قرار گرفته بود در وبلاگ شخصی خود نوشته است که او در حاشیه کنفرانس صلح ونکوور با دالایی لاما دیدار کرده و در مورد اتفاقات ماه‌های اخیر در ایران که به کشته شدن ده‌ها نفر و بازداشت طیف وسیعی از فعالان مدنی و سیاسی منتقد انجامید، با این رهبر مذهی صلح طلب سخن گفته است.

خانم افشین‌جم می‌نویسد پس از این توضیحات دالایی لاما بی‌درنگ پذیرفت که شعار «آزادی برای ایران» را بر دست بگیرد و به این طریق با جنبش سبز ایران ابراز همدلی و همیاری کند.

دالایی لاما که متولد ۱۹۳۵ در تبت است از از ۱۵ سالگی رهبری سیاسی تبت را بر عهده گرفت و مقارن همین زمان بود که نیروهای جمهوری خلق چین تبت را به اشغال خود در آوردند.

مردم تبت در سال ۱۹۵۶، علیه فشار دولت چین بر دولت محلی خود، قیام کردند که این قیام تا سال ۱۹۵۹ و سرکوب خشونت آمیز آن به دست ارتش سرخ چین ادامه داشت.

پس از سرکوب این قیام، دالایی لاما همراه با جمعی از رهبران تبتی این سرزمین را ترک کرد و در هند دولت در تبعید تبت را تشکیل داد.

Yarom Bia Deldarom Bia kiosk va Namjou


OMID FOUNDATIONS: Empowering disadvantaged young women in Iran

Omid Foundations

The mission of the Omid-e-Mehr Foundation (charity registered in Iran), the Omid Foundation (charity registered in the UK), and the Omid Foundation (USA) (501(c)(3) charity registered in the USA) is to strengthen the social, emotional, and economic competencies of disadvantaged young women (aged from 15 to 25) in Iran, providing them with a sense of self-worth and with the opportunities to experience a full range of life options through care, counselling, self-empowerment, education, training and job placement. Our clients have typically been put into care from an early age, run away from abusive homes, or live in extreme poverty. They often suffer from severe mental health and emotional difficulties, mostly stemming from their experiences of neglect, of physical and sexual abuse, and of exposure to drugs and violence. We value and nurture the voices, hearts, and minds of these underprivileged and vulnerable young women and help them transform their lives. We believe that through love and care in the context of sustained relationships where practical and emotional needs are addressed, our young clients will be able to overcome the traumas of the past and will eventually be able to take responsibility for their emotions and behaviour. Starting with a small group of 15 clients in late 2004, Omid now caters to approximately 90 clients at any one time, more than a quarter of whom are Afghani immigrants. Our holistic approach helps our vulnerable young clients to achieve self-awareness, self-determination and self-sufficiency in modern Iranian society. See our website for details about our organization, programs, activities, and legal status.

The Glass House

The Glass House (directed by Hamid Rahmanian, produced by Melissa Hibbard) follows four of the young women at Omid who strive to pull themselves out of the fringes of Iranian society. Forget about the Iran that you’ve seen before. With a virtually invisible camera, the young women of The Glass House take you on a never-before-seen tour of the underclass of Iran with their brave and defiant stories: Samira struggles to overcome forced drug addiction; Mitra harnesses abandonment into her creative writing; Sussan teeters on a dangerous ledge after years of sexual abuse; and Nazila burgeons out of her hatred with her blazing rap music. This groundbreaking documentary reflects a side of Iran few have access to or paid attention to: a society lost to its traditions with nothing meaningful to replace them and a group of courageous women working to instill a sense of empowerment and hope into the minds and lives of otherwise discarded young women. Find out more about this unique documentary. Watch the CCN interview with the filmmakers, the trailer and clips. Catch a screening in a city near you from now until November and encourage your friends to do the same.

Get Involved

The work that Omid does is difficult and challenging. It requires strong commitment to the community, much perseverance and the faith that, hopefully, one day in the future our services will no longer be necessary. Until that day, we will work to maintain our vigour, flexibility, and responsiveness to the needs of these vulnerable young women in Iranian society. We will only be able to thrive and to continue with our work by the generosity of other people and their belief in our capacity to change lives. Each contribution, no matter in what form, improves the lives of the underprivileged young women in our care in some vital way and we value each and every contribution. You can help make a difference by fund raising for us, by making a donation , or by volunteering .

Fund Raising —
Contact us to discuss how you can organize a fund raising -

· screening of the Glass House documentary;

· athletic event (walk, run, etc.); or

· reception/dinner.

Making a Donation —
You can make a donation to Omid Foundation in the UK , Omid Foundation (USA) in the US , or Omid-e-Mehr Foundation in Iran . Please consult your tax consultant for the tax implications of your donation. See our website for how to make an

· online and offline donation in the UK (debit/credit card, check, wire transfer, periodic standing order, direct debit), which is tax exempt for UK tax payers;

· online and offline donation in the USA (debit/credit card, check, wire transfer, periodic standing order), which is tax exempt for US tax payers, and which we are permitted to remit to Iran as specified in our OFAC license issued by the US Treasury;

· offline donation in Iran (check, wire transfer).

Volunteering —
View our volunteering needs list to find out our current needs for volunteers in different parts of the world.


Contact us at info@omid-e-mehr.org or +44 (20) 75846949.

Please forward this ebulletin to any of your friends who might be interested in our work.
Notify info@omid-e-mehr.org if you would like us to add the details of any of your friends to our mailing list or if you do not wish to receive any further communications from us.


پدر داماد احمدی‌نژاد:به چشم خودم دیدم كه در انتخاباتی، رای‌ها را به سادگی جابه‌جا می‌كردند


آفرین آفرین بر ایرانی های سوئد

سیمین بهبهانی

سیمین بهبهانی

قلم چرخید و فرمان را گرفتند

ورق برگشت و ایران را گرفتند

به تیتر «شاه رفت ِ» اطلاعات

توجه کرده کیهان را گرفتند

چپ و مذهب گره خوردند و شیخان

شبانه جای شاهان را گرفتند

همه ازحجره‌ها بیرون خزیدند

به سرعت سقف و ایوان را گرفتند

گرفتند و گرفتن کارشان شد

هرآنچه خواستند آن را گرفتند

به هر انگیزه و با هر بهانه

مسلمان نامسلمان را گرفتند

به جرم بدحجابی، بد لباسی

زنان را نیز، مردان را گرفتند

سراغ سفره ها، نفتی نیامد

ولیکن در عوض نان راگرفتند

یکی نان خواست بردندش به زندان

از آن بیچاره دندان را گرفتند

یکی آفتابه دزدی گشت افشاء

به دست آفتابه داشت آن را گرفتند

یکی خان بود از حیث چپاول

دوتا مستخدم خان را گرفتند

فلان ملا مخالف داشت بسیار

مخالف‌های ایشان را گرفتند

بده مژده به دزدان خزانه

که شاکی‌های آنان را گرفتند

چو شد در آستان قدس دزدی

گداهای خراسان را گرفتند

به جرم اختلاس شرکت نفت

برادرهای دربان را گرفتند

نمیخواهند چون خر را بگیرند

محبت کرده پالان را گرفتند

غذا را آشپز چون شور میکرد

سر سفره نمکدان را گرفتند

چو آمد سقف مهمانخانه پائین

به حکم شرع مهمان را گرفتند

به قم از روی توضیح‌المسائل

همه اغلاط قرآن را گرفتند

به جرم ارتداد از دین اسلام

دوباره شیخ صنعان را گرفتند

به این گله دوتا گرگ خودی زد

خدائی شد که چوپان را گرفتند

به ما درد و مرض دادند بسیار

دلیلش اینکه درمان راگرفتند

مقام رهبری هم شعر میگفت

ز دستش بند تنبان را گرفتند

همه این‌ها جهنم، این خلایق

ز مردم دین و ایمان را گرفتند

ـحاون وزارت ارشاد حرف نزند

زنان مسلمان روی تشک کشتی قهرمانی


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Tehran, Iran, Friday, Sept. 18, 2009

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in english

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constructive engagement with the world




من هلاك تو و خاك زير پاتم، توپولف!

من زمين خورده‌ي جعبه ي سياتم،توپولف!
كشته‌ي تيپ زدن و قـدّ و بالاتم، توپولف!
مرده‌ي ريپ زدن و ناز و اداتم، توپولف!
قربـون اون نوسانــات صداتم، توپولف!
يه كلوم ختم كلــوم بنده فداتم، توپولف!
من هواپيما نديدم اينجوري ناز و ملــوس
مي‌پري پر مي زني روي هوا عين خروس!
بذار ايرباس واست عشوه بياد دراز لوس
بدگِلا چش ندارن ببيننت، خوشگل روس!
قربون چشات برم، محــو نيگاتم ، توپولف
يه كلوم ختم كلــوم بنده فداتم، توپولف!
مـــا رو مي‌بري نقـــاط ديدني وقت فرود
گاهي وقتا سر كـــــوه و گاهي وقتا ته رود
مي فرستن همه تا سه روز به روحمون درود
مي خونه مجري سيما واسمون شعر و سرود
چرا ماتم مي گيرن ، مبهوت و ماتم توپولف!
يه كلــوم ختم كلــوم بنده فداتم، توپولف!
وقتي عشقت مي‌كشه گاهي با كلّه مي شيني
به جـــــاي باند فرود، توي محلّه مي شيني
يا مي‌ري تــــوي ده و رو سر گلّه مي شيني
زودي مشهور مي‌شي، رو جلد مجلّه مي شيني
پي گيرعكســــــا و تيتر خبراتم توپولف!
يه كلــوم ختم كلــوم بنده فداتم، توپولف!
مي خوام از خدا كه يك لحظه نشم از تو جدا
چونكه وقتي باهاتم هي مي كنم يـــــاد خدا
بدون نذر و نيـــاز بــــــا تو پريدن ، ابدا!
مي كنم بعد فرود تمــــوم نذرامـــــو ادا
واســه جنّت بليتت گشتــــه براتم، توپولف!
يه كلـــوم ختم كلــوم بنده فداتم، توپولف!
تو كه هي رفيقــــاي ايرونيتو ياد مي كني
كي ميگه تــــو انباراي روسيه باد مي كني؟
ما رو پيك نيك مي بري، سقوط آزاد مي كني
خدا شــــادت بكنه ، روحمونو شاد ميكني
بري تا اون سر اون دونيا(!) باهاتم، توپولف!
يه كلــوم ختم كلــوم بنده فداتم، توپولف

شحری از عالی پیام : قرمز یا آبی

قرمز یا


شنیدم در زمان

خسرو پرویز

گرفتند آدمی را توی


به جرم نقض قانون

اساسی و بعض گفتمان های


ولی آن مرد دور

اندیش، از پیش قراری را نهاده با

زن خویش

که از زندان اگر آمد

زمانی به نام من پیامی یا


اگر خودکار آبی بود

متنش بدان باشد درست و بی

غل و غش

اگر با

رنگ قرمز بود خودکار

بدان باشد

تمام از روی اجبار

تمامش از فشار

> بازجویی ست

سراپایش دروغ و

یاوه گویی ست

گذشت و روزی آمد

نامه از مرد

گرفت آن نامه را

بانوی پر درد

گشود و دید با هالو


نوشته شوهرش با خط


عزیزم، عشق من ،

حالت چطور است؟ بگو بی بنده احوالت

چطور است؟

اگر از ما بپرسی،

خوب بشنو

ملالی نیست غیر از

دوری تو

من این جا راحتم،

کیفور کیفور

بساط عیش و عشرت جور

وا جور

در این جا سینما و

باشگاه است

غذا، آجیل، میوه رو

به راه است

کتک با چوب یا

شلاق و باطوم

تماما شایعاتی هست


هر آن کس گوید این

جا چوب دار است

بدان این هم دروغی

شاخدار است

در این جا استرس

جایی ندارد

درفش و داغ معنایی


کجا تفتیش های

اعتقادی ست؟

کجا سلول های

انفرادی ست؟

همه این جا رفیق و

دوست هستیم

چو گردو داخل یک

پوست هستیم

در این جا بازجو

اصلا نداریم

شکنجه ، اعتراف،

عمرا نداریم

به جای آن اتاق فکر


روش های بدیع و بکر


عزیزم، حال من خوب

است این جا

گذشت عمر، مطلوب

است این جا

کسی را هیچ کاری با

کسی نیست

نشانی از غم و

دلواپسی نیست

همه چیزش تمامن

بیست این جا

فقط خود کار قرمز

نیست این جا

سید محمد

رضا عالی پیام


Iranian boy who defied Tehran hardliners tells of prison rape ordeal


گزارش تایمز از تجاوز در زندانهای ایران


cartoons Taliban


Sports-for-Peace"-Awards in Berlin verliehen


"Sports-for-Peace"-Awards in Berlin verliehen

in english

جایزه «ورزش برای صلح» به خاطر مچ‌بند سبز به شش تن از بازیکنان تیم ملی فوتبال ایران


* News * World news * Iran Arrested, beaten and raped: an Iran protester's tale

morsian 6 - 10-vuotias Hamasille

رهبران معنوی اين جنبش از رهبران سياسی آن متمايزند.

رهبران معنوی اين جنبش تعدادی از روشنفکران هستند که ممکن است در سراسر جهان پراکنده باشند؛ کسانی که نگران آزادی، حقوق بشر و دموکراسی هستند و فکر می‌کنند اگر ايران بخواهد نکبت توسعه نيافتگی را پشت سر بگذارد و به وضعيت بهتری برسد، راه حل آن .....


نماهنگ «نترسون» از تازه‌ترین آثار داریوش

Iran inmates 'tortured to death'

One of Iran's defeated opposition presidential candidates has said some protesters held after July's disputed poll were tortured to death in prison.
The claim by Mehdi Karroubi comes days after he said a number of prisoners, both male and female, had been raped.
Officials deny the rape claims, but admit that abuses have taken place.


درخواست از مجلس خبرگان برای بررسی عملکرد رهبر ایران

درخواست از دبيرکل سازمان ملل برای به رسميت نشناختن دولت احمدی نژاد


letter to UN sec. general

September 18, 2007
To His Excellency Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations,

The people of Iran are experiencing difficult times both internationally and domestically. Internationally, they face the threat of a military attack from the US and the imposition of extensive sanctions by the UN Security Council. Domestically, a despotic state has – through constant and organized repression – imprisoned them in a life and death situation.
Endorsed by:

1. Jürgen Habermas (J.W.Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt)
2. Charles Taylor (McGill University)
3. Noam Chomsky (MIT)
4. Ronald Dworkin (New York University)
5. Robert Bellah (University of California, Berkeley)
6. Alasdair MacIntyre (University of Notre Dame)
7. Orhan Pamuk (Recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize for Literature)
8. J.M. Coetzee (Recipient of the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature)
9. Seamus Heaney (Recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize for Literature)
10. Nadine Gordimer (Recipient of 1991 Nobel Prize for Literature)
11. Mairead Corrigan-Maguire (Recipient of the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize)
12. Umberto Eco (novelist, Italy)
13. Mario Vargas Llosa (novelist, Peru)
14. Isabel Allende (novelist, Chile)
15. Robert Dahl (Yale University)
16. Michael Walzer (Princeton University)
17. Seyla Benhabib (Yale University)
18. Cornel West (Princeton University)


Iran: 115 executions since election

Posted: 07 August 2009 link لینک فارسی

'Alarming spike' in numbers represents 'significant increase', says Amnesty

The eight weeks between the presidential election on 12 June and the inauguration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term as president on 5 August saw an alarming spike in the number of executions by the Iranian authorities, Amnesty International said today.

Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan said:

'In just over 50 days, we recorded no less that 115 executions - an average of more than two each day

'This represents a significant increase, even compared to the appallingly high rate of executions that has been so long a feature of the human rights scene in Iran.

'In recent weeks world attention has understandably been focused on the Tehran authorities' brutal attempts to suppress the mass and largely peaceful protests that followed the widely-disputed official outcome of the presidential vote. Yet, as these grotesque figures show, there has been no let up in other longstanding patterns of human rights abuse - in fact, the reverse.

'This is a dreadful situation, and one that is made worse by the fact that all or most of those executed are likely to have been denied fair trials, in gross breach of international law.'

From the start of 2009 up to 12 June, Amnesty International recorded at least 196 executions in Iran, placing the country second in the world behind China for the number of executions carried out. The 115 executions known to have been carried out since the presidential election on 12 June included 14 executions on 2 July, 20 on 4 July, 13 on 14 July and a further 24 executions on 5 August, the day of the presidential inauguration.

Amnesty is also stressing that the true total number of executions in Iran is almost certainly higher even than the number it has been able to record, which is based on official Iranian, media and other sources. Most of those executed are said to have been convicted of drug-smuggling or related offences. Those executed by hanging are believed to have been men, mostly between 20 and 50 years of age, but include at least two women. Some but not all of the victims' identities are known. In particular, the authorities have not named any of the 24 prisoners executed on 5 August at Rejai Shahr Prison in Karaj, disclosing only that they were executed for drugs-related offences.

Typically, people accused of drugs offences or other serious crimes are held for long periods in pre-trial detention, routinely ill-treated, and allowed access to a lawyer only at the point where they go on trial, if at all.

Last year Amnesty recorded at least 346 executions in Iran, the second highest number (behind China) of any country in the world. Of these at least eight were child offenders - those convicted for crimes which took place when they were aged below 18. The true overall figure is likely to have been higher, as the Iranian authorities do not issue official statistics on capital punishment.

Iran's enduring turmoil It's far from over

لینک فارسی Iran's enduring turmoil
It's far from over
Aug 6th 2009 CAIRO AND TEHRANFrom The Economist print edition
THE incumbent president claims to have won a walloping 63% of the vote in the disputed presidential election of June 12th. He is still backed by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Islamic Republic’s supreme leader, its security forces, its state-run media, and a parliament dominated by fellow conservatives. Yet, after his inauguration on August 5th, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has little to savour as he settles in for a second four-year term. His position is far from secure. The crisis is still acute.
The difficulties he faces were symbolically exposed at a confirmation ceremony held on August 3rd to launch his second term. In a pointed break with protocol, many senior officials, including two former presidents, found themselves too busy to attend. So was the family of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the revolution of 1979 and the Islamic Republic’s founding father, which by tradition is prominent at such events. And when Mr Ahmadinejad tried to repeat the unprecedented show of fealty he performed at the last such ceremony in 2005 by kissing Mr Khamenei’s hand, this time the supreme leader flinched, prompting a clumsy kiss of his shoulder instead.
Hardly had the ceremony closed before street protests erupted anew across Tehran. Bonfires were set alight, slogans chanted, horns tooted and pitched battles with police ran far into the night, when cries of Allahu Akbar (God is Great!) echoed as loud as ever from rooftops, as they have done nightly since the election that millions of Iranians still believe was stolen. Though far smaller in numbers than the mass demonstrations in the poll’s immediate aftermath, the protests have continued sporadically, despite campaigns of sweeping arrests and intimidation, as well as increasingly Orwellian efforts to brand dissidents as agents of an enemy plot.
The most recent effort to blame foreigners has taken a more ominously farcical twist as a show trial of alleged conspirators was aired on television. Promising to be a prolonged spectacle, it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb. After a lengthy indictment was read out, repentant ringleaders were shown making their confessions.
Alleging links between a range of Western (especially American) foundations and Iranian conspirators, including three reformist parties, the prosecutor suggested that vigilant security forces had foiled a “velvet” coup modelled on successful uprisings in Serbia, Georgia and elsewhere. His accusations swept up not only an array of notable academics with ties to foreign universities, but whole categories of activist groups, including those seeking to protect the rights of women, ethnic minorities, labour unions and students.
The carefully edited confessions appeared to implicate Western media and intelligence agencies along with the defeated reformist presidential candidates and their backers in Iran’s establishment. Looking drawn and vacant before the camera, Muhammad-Ali Abtahi, a cherubic, mid-ranking cleric who served for several years as a vice-president in the reformist administrations (1997-2005) of Muhammad Khatami, insinuated that Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, another former president and long a linchpin of Iran’s power structure, had joined the conspirators out of a wish to avenge his defeat by Mr Ahmadinejad in the 2005 election. Appearing alongside Mr Abtahi, Muhammad Atrianfar, a newspaper editor and known protégé of Mr Rafsanjani, chided the former president for his errors and asked for forgiveness from the supreme leader (“whose wisdom and alert leadership is guaranteed by nightly secrets between him and God”).
This cloud of conspiratorial innuendo had several purposes. One was to flesh out a narrative to explain the post-electoral unrest and to excuse the harshness of a crackdown that has cost at least 30 lives and sent hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Iranians to prison. Another, say dissidents, is to pave the way for a more direct attack on the most senior opposition figures. Conservative mouthpieces in parliament and the press have amplified calls for trials of the accused ringleaders, including Messrs Khatami and Rafsanjani, as well as the leading defeated candidate, Mir Hosein Mousavi. Were this to happen, it would mark the Islamic Republic’s abandonment even of its filtered pluralism and shift it finally towards a unipolar political system.
Yet far from crumbling in fear, the opposition has responded to the confessions with renewed outrage and calls for more protests. In a letter posted on his website, Mr Mousavi said the trial displayed the moral collapse of those directing it, promising that one day they would themselves be tried for what he called “Iran’s tragedy”. Mr Abtahi’s wife and daughter, ignoring warnings to remain silent, asserted that his confession had been forced.
Among the wider public, the trials appeared only to widen the rift between conservatives and their opponents. Although many still cling to foreign devilry as an excuse for Iran’s woes, others have long since grown cynical—and with good reason. In the past, televised confessions have been followed swiftly, as soon as the supposed penitent has been freed, by vehement repudiations. Most Iranians are aware of the duress people suffer in jail. Among recent victims, apparently beaten to death in police custody, was the son of an aide to Mohsen Rezai, a former head of the Revolutionary Guard who was the sole conservative candidate to compete against Mr Ahmadinejad for the presidency.
Many conservatives are, in fact, far from enthusiastic about their president. Even if he can withstand the opposition’s scorn, dismay and anger, he faces trenchant distrust within his own camp. A tussle with the supreme leader last month forced him to scrap the appointment of an in-law as vice-president. Personal clashes have led him to sack several top officials in the intelligence service, including its minister. These may be just the opening shots in what may be a sticky process to win parliament’s approval of a new cabinet.
Such struggles will also handicap Mr Ahmadinejad in economic and foreign policy. The Iranian economy was buffeted by international sanctions and lower energy prices even before political unrest shrivelled investment nearly to zero. It is in poor shape to endure still more of its president’s erratic populism. And Mr Ahmadinejad’s regime, now fully exposed in its ugliness, can expect little mercy from the world at large.
Weakened as they are, Iran’s leaders may find it expedient to curb some of their enthusiasm for foreign adventures and perhaps even their controversial nuclear programme. But their heightened xenophobia and demonisation of contact with the West augur badly for Barack Obama’s effort to engage with Iran’s rulers. Indeed, he is already tempering his early call for dialogue. Instead, there is more talk of tightening sanctions and developing even bigger bunker-busting bombs.